Ocean City

Join Us for the St. Patrick's Day Parade This Saturday, 16 March, in Ocean City!

Written by jweber | Mar 11, 2013 3:11:23 PM

***PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE OCEAN CITY ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE***  This coming Saturday, 16 March, OC Surfrider will again have an entry in the second largest St. Patrick's Day parade in the entire state of Maryland!  If you would like to join us as we walk along the parade route from 59th Street to 45th Street; carry cool display stuff, signs and banners; and hand out candy and bumper stickers to the crowds, please let Kat know by e-mailing her at volunteercoordinator@oceancity.surfrider.org.  We will meet near the 7-11 on 59th Street bayside at 10:00 am.  The parade starts at noon.  Hope you can join us!  Mahalo!