Our group beach cleanups remain suspended due to restrictions on group events and proximity to others, however, you can still participate in the International Coastal Cleanup by doing your own Solo Beach Cleanup!
International Coastal Cleanup Month (formerly International Coastal Cleanup Day) is one of the world's largest annual preservation and protection events and volunteer efforts for our ocean, waves and beaches. Surfrider Foundation chapters engage and motivate their communities to take action at local beach cleanups.
Some of the top five most commonly collected items on ICCD last year were cigarette butts, plastic beverage bottles, food wrappers, plastic bottle caps and plastic straws, respectively. All are forms of plastic debris.
How To Participate:
- Choose a day for your solo cleanup any time between Friday, September 18-Sunday, September 20
- Download the data card from cleanups.surfrider.org (scroll to the very bottom of the page and click the "data card" text to download. Print this out and bring it (and a pen) with you to the beach.
- Head out to the beach or water near you! Solo doesn't necessarily mean alone, you can bring other members of your household with you!
- Be sure to wear a mask when around others, bring gloves and/or trash grabbers for picking up trash and a trash bucket or bag.
- Record your data of what you pick up as you go or at the end.
- Take photos! Tag @surfrider and @surfriderocmd on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (twitter handle: @OC_Surfrider) and use the hashtag #SoloBeachCleanup
- Submit your completed data card to secretary@oceancity.surfrider.org (You can take a photo of the card or scan it in, either way is great!)
Check out the video below from our friends at Surfrider Foundation Delaware for more info on how to do a solo cleanup!
We hope you will join in next weekend to help keep our beaches and oceans clean! We'll be giving away some swag to a few lucky participants!
Rules to contest:
- Must participate in solo beach cleanup Sept. 18-20
- Must tag our chapter in a social media post from your solo cleanup: @surfriderocmd on Facebook and Instagram @OC_Surfrider on Twitter
- Must submit completed data card to secretary@oceancity.surfrider.org