The Ocean City Maryland Chapter has been implementing the Ocean Friendly Restaurants program quite successfully in 2018. But they added to that program by starting a “Strawless Summer” initiative to get restaurants and people on board if they were not ready for the full OFR criteria.
Chapter Secretary Marina Feeser made a brightly colored poster reminiscent of the Endless Summer artwork and the chapter put a pledge online for both individuals and restaurants. To date, 70 restaurants and 500 individuals have signed the pledge.
The City of Ocean City, MD recognized this fantastic work, by giving the Chapter a resolution in support of Strawless Summer. The presentation of the resolution was in the Maryland Coast Dispatch who provided the photo. The resolution can be downloaded by clicking here. Pictured are from the left the chapter’s Deb Heft, Mel Harrison, Marina Feeser, Jane Robinson, and Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan.
The City has plans to additionally recognize businesses that are following a straws-on-request policy in 2019. The Chapter plans to grow the number of Ocean Friendly Restaurants and continue the fight against single use plastics in Maryland.